How To De-register with the UIF

​​​How To De-register with the UIF

by creator — last modified 2013-02-12 17:09

Step 1: Fill in the form

Employers must fill in the UI-19 form (the same form you use to register workers). Indicate in the last two columns why and from when your worker(s) do not work for you anymore.

Step 2: Send in the form

Employers can send the form to the UIF by –
  • mailing it to:
  • faxing it to:
    (012) 337 1943
  • e-mailing it to:  (commercial employers can also use this address)

Step 3: Follow up

Call the UIF at 012 337 1680 or your nearest labour centre to find out whether they have received your form and have de-registered you or your workers. Keep your employer reference number and the date when your workers stopped working ready when you call.
The UIF will only de-register the workers. If employers want to register new workers, they can use the same employer reference number they received before. If employers do not want to register workers again, they must tell the UIF to remove them from the database in writing.​