Employment and Labour kick-starts its three-day employer Open Day and taking services to the people in Polokwane
25 January 2023

The Department of Employment and Labour in Limpopo: Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) Unit has today, 25th January 2023 embarked on an Open Day session with employers and taking services to the people campaign in Polokwane, Nirvana Hall.

The three-day session is aimed at ensuring that Unemployment Insurance Fund and Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease (COID) applications received today are captured, and approved on the spot.

Director of Beneficiary Services Vuledzani Mulindi said: “There were a lot of applications received towards the end of 2022, therefore we want to ensure that we have no backlog hence we are reaching out to our clients".

According to Mulindi, the outreach program also seeks to educate employers about compliance with labour laws.

"We have been experiencing a challenge whereby employers have been making contributions towards the Fund but haven't been declaring their employees for UIF on a monthly basis," Mulindi said.

To speed-up the process of their claims Mulindi urged clients to carry their ID or valid passport, salary schedule, and UI-19 form in case employment record has not been updated.

The initiative has already made a positive impact as Manager of Security and Projects Ramabulana Mawela was assisted with unblocking and declaring five of his employees for UIF whose access to the system was blocked.

Thabo Nakeng has also applied for UIF today at Nivarna Hall and he's happy that his application was captured and approved on the spot.

Mulindi encouraged people residing around Polokwane to take advantage of this opportunity and come to apply and inquire about their claims.

The outreach program will carry on until Friday 27th January 2022.

For Media Inquiries, please contact:

Mapula Tloubatla

Provincial Communications Officer: Limpopo

060 989 7509/ mapula.tloubatla@labour.gov.za




Issued by: Department of Employment and Labour​

