Department of Labour operations to come to a temporary halt as it relocates its ICT operations and equipment


The Department of Labour wishes to inform all its stakeholders that its information and communications technology (ICT) and related services will from 21-24 be offline, a move that will have an impact on its operations and service delivery at its Labour Centres nationally.

The Department will be relocating its datacentre to another building. The Department has signed a contract with the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) to house the new datacentre in a state of the art facility in Midrand.

The Department of Labour’s datacentre is currently housed in the old Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) building. The old UIF building is to undergo major renovations and all users were relocated to another building.

This also meant the datacentre had to be relocated to a new facility. The ICT Unit has already commenced with refreshing the outdated server and storage infrastructure, with further hardware refresh planned for after the relocation.

All systems will be shut down from 16h00 on the 20th February 2019 to prepare for the relocation. This implies that no business systems including Umehluko, Siyaya and ESSA will be available.

A datacentre is the central hub of an organisation's ICT operations and equipment. This is where business critical infrastructure is housed which provides access to systems, servers, databases and business applications.

Once the planned relocation is completed, it is envisaged that all systems will be available from 25th February 2019.

The Department hopes that the relocation of the datacentre, will bring about improved efficiencies through new infrastructure, faster connectivity, improved uptime, reliability and stability of systems. Other benefits include enhanced physical security, audit compliance and additional redundancies including reliable facilities and backup power.

The Department of Labour wishes to profusely apologise for the inconvenience that will be caused during the relocation process.



 Issued by:

Department of Labour Spokesperson

Teboho Thejane

082 697 0694
