Regulations and Notices


Amended regulations 2014 English version.pdfAmended regulations 2014 English version
Annual Review and Adjustment of the National Minimum Wage 2021.pdfAnnual Review and Adjustment of the National Minimum Wage 2021
BCEA Ammended 2020.pdfBCEA Ammended 2020
EPWP Adjustment 2012.pdfEPWP Adjustment 2012
Intention to deem persons in the film and television industry as employees for purposes of BCEA and LRA.pdfIntention to deem persons in the film and television industry as employees for purposes of BCEA and LRA
Ministerial Determinationepwp.pdfMinisterial Determinationepwp
National Minimum Wage - Wage increase, 21 February 2023.pdfNational Minimum Wage - Wage increase, 21 February 2023
National Minimum Wages Wage increase 1 March 2024.pdfNational Minimum Wages Wage increase 1 March 2024