Basic Guide to Pay Slips (Wholesale and Retail)

by admin — last modified 2007-11-28 16:08
Each time when workers are paid, employers must give them a pay slip with certain information.


Sectoral Determination 9 applies to all employers and workers in the wholesale and retail sector, including those associated with-
  • merchandising,
  • warehousing, or
  • distribution operations.
The determination does not apply to workers who are covered by-
  • another sectoral determination, or
  • a bargaining council agreement.

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act applies in respect of any matter not covered by this sectoral determination.​

Content of Pay slips

Employers must give workers the following information in writing when paid:
  • employers name and address
  • workers name and occupation
  • period for which payment is made
  • total salary or wages
  • any deductions
  • actual amount paid
  • if relevant to the calculation of pay:
    • workers pay and overtime rates
    • number of ordinary and overtime hours worked
    • number of hours worked on a Sunday or a public holiday
An employer must retain a copy for at least 3 years.​
