Mr Sipho NdebeleActing Deputy Director-General Labour Policy and Industrial Relations
Ms. Reen MoodleyTel: (012) 309 4547Fax: (012) 320 5112Cell: 082 678 Purpose: Facilitate the establishment of an equitable and sound labour relations environment and the promotion of South
Africa's interest in international labour matters through research, analysing and evaluating labour policy and providing statistical data on the labour market, including providing support to institutions that promote social dialogue.
The programme consists of the following sub-programmes and entities:
Management and Support Services
Labour Policy and Industrial Relations manages delegated administrative and financial responsibilities, coordinates all planning, monitoring and evaluation functions, and provides corporate support to line function sub-programmes
Strengthen Civil Society
Funds civil society organisations that protect vulnerable workers in order to contribute to a stable and smooth functioning labour market by providing resources, support and expertise to improve the independence and self-reliance of workers through transfers to the Development Institute for Training, Support and Education for Labour (DITSELA), the Workers' College Natal, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), the South African Confederation of Trade Unions (SACOTU), the South African Labour Bulletin and selected rural advice offices
Collective Bargaining
Manages the implementation of the Labour Relations Act (1995) through policies and practices that promote sound labour relations. Funds are mainly used to: register labour organisations and de-register those that are noncompliant; publish and extend collective agreements; support and advance participation in collective bargaining structures; participate in the governance structures of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration; and to participate in relevant National Economic Development and Labour Council(NEDLAC) activities
Employment Equity
Promotes equity in the labour market through improving the enforcement of the
Employment Equity Act (1998)
Employment Standards
Protects vulnerable workers in the labour market by administering the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (1997)
Research, Policy and Planning
Researches and monitors working conditions and policies affecting the labour market in South Africa
Labour Market Information and Statistics
Collects, collates, analyses and disseminates internal and external labour market statistics about changes in the South African labour market that impact on legislation
International Labour Matters
Facilitates compliance with international obligations and coordinate multi– and bilateral relations.
National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC)
Funds are transferred to the National Economic Development and Labour Council, which promotes economic growth, participation in economic decision making and social equity.
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)
Funds are transferred to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, which promotes social justice and fairness in the workplace through dispute prevention and dispute resolution services.
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