How To Claim from the Compensation Fund if you are a Worker

​​​How To Claim from the Compensation Fund if you are a Worker

by admin — last modified 2007-09-14 12:38
The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act gives workers the right to claim compensation if they were injured or go ill at work.


When workers want to claim they must use the following steps:

Step 1: Fill in the form

Workers must report their injury or disease to their supervisor or employer immediately. Their employer must report it to the Compensation Fund and send in the necessary forms.

Step 2: Get forms from the doctor

Workers must get the W.Cl.2 or W.Cl.1 form from their employer and take it to the doctor when they go for a visit. After the doctor has filled in the form, workers must take it back to their employer.Workers must take any other forms the doctor gives them to their employer.

Step 3: Keep in touch with the employer

Workers must let their employers know when their address change and keep in touch with them. Workers’ money will be send to their employer’s address, so it is important that their employer can find them.If employers do not send in the forms or the claims takes long, workers must contact the nearest labour centre and report it.​